Download Neguun.MN For PC – Windows 7/8/10/Mac

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Neguun.MN is a unique online marketplace that connects talented local artisans with customers around the world. We offer a wide variety of handmade products, including jewelry, home decor, and fashion accessories. Our goal is to provide a platform for artists to showcase their work and share their unique culture with the world. We believe in the power of connection, and we are committed to promoting creativity and diversity. Our products are made with love and care, and we are proud to offer them to our customers. Thank you for choosing Neguun.MN!

The technical specifications of the Neguun.MN for PC are the ones that set it apart and why it’s so popular. Go through those from this section:

Neguun.MN Andorid App Summary

Neguun.MN was developed by Sandbox Mongolia and they’ve done a good job keeping it highly user friendly. You can download Neguun.MN from Google Play Store under the News & Magazines category. The latest version of Neguun.MN is 1.0.1 on Play store with total users of 1. The Neguun.MN app has a user rating of 0.0 which is impressive.


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The latest update date of the Neguun.MN is Jul 4, 2022. Although it’s easy to install it on Android, it’s not that easy to do so on PC. You need to use an emulator to do so. The most popular emulators would be NOX player, BlueStacks, and Memu Emulator to install it on PC.

We will talk about how to install and use the Neguun.MN on your computer using the emulators. The step-by-step guides below will help you do so.

Download & Install Neguun.MN For PC: Windows 10/8/7

Getting the Neguun.MN installed on your PC can be super easy if you use the NOX player. It’s one of the most popular Android emulators for both PC and Mac. Just use the steps below to download the Neguun.MN and use it on your PC:

  • First off, you need to download the NOX player emulator. Go ahead and do that. You’ll find the installation file in your download folder
  • Now, install it on your computer by double clicking the installer. It will take a few minutes if you have a fast computer.
  • Once installed, you’re ready to get the Neguun.MN on your PC. Just locate the Play store app in the NOX homepage and log into your Google account.
  • Search for the Neguun.MN in the search bar of Play store and install it from there. You’ll get a quick launching icon on the NOX homepage after that.
  • Click the icon at any time, and you’ll be able to use the Neguun.MN on your computer every time you open NOX player.
Neguun.MN App Specification
App Name: Neguun.MN On Your PC
Devoloper Name: Sandbox Mongolia
Latest Version: 1.0.1
Android Version: 4.4
Supporting OS: Windows,7,8,10 & Mac (32 Bit, 64 Bit)
Package Name: com.sandbox.neguun
Download: 1+
Category: News & Magazines
Updated on: Jul 4, 2022
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Neguun.MN App Overview and Details

“NEGUUN.MN” МУЛЬТМЕДИА САЙТ нь хэвлэл мэдээллийн салбарт шинэ өнгө нэмэх зорилт дэвшүүлж, мэдээ мэдээллээ орон даяар цацаж байна. Манай сайт нь шуурхай , шинэлэг байдлыг эрхэмлэхээс гадна үнэн бодит мэдээллийг хараат бусаар, тэнцвэртэйгээр сэтгүүл зүйн мэргэжлийн ёс зүйн зарчмыг баримтлан олон нийтэд даацтай мэдээлнэ.
Энэхүү зорилгынхоо хүрээнд хэвлэл мэдээллийн байгууллагад 5-аас доошгүй жил ажилласан туршлагатай, мэргэжлийн чадварлаг сэтгүүлч, зураглаач, эвлүүлэгч, болон найруулагч нараар багаа бүрдүүлэн ажиллаж байна.
Бид сурвалжлага, нийтлэл, нэвтрүүлэг, бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээгээ танилцуулах ярилцлага болон цаг үе, үйл явдлын мэдээ мэдээллүүдийг шуурхай хүргэж ажиллах бөгөөд нийгмийн сүлжээгээр ч идэвхижүүлэлт хийж, олон нийтэд түгээн ажиллана. Тус сайт нь аливаа улс төрийн нам, хүчин, бизнесийн болон төр засгийн байгууллагаас хараат бус, олон нийтийн дуу хоолойг илэрхийлсэн, мэдээллийн үнэн зөв, тэнцвэрт байдлыг ханган ажиллана.
Алсын хараа: Мэдээллийн олон талт эх сурвалжид итгэдэг хэрсүү уншигч, үзэгчдийг бэлдэнэ.
Ингэхдээ иргэний боловсролыг дээшлүүлэх замаар зорилтот мэдээнд үл итгэх байдал руу хөтөлж, улс төрчдийн бохир мэдээллээс ангид байлгахад гол зорилго оршино

Features of Neguun.MN for PC

хүлээн авах үүдний дараа хэвлэл мэдээллийн хүнд талт эх сурвалжид харьцуулах хэрэгтэй.

1. A multimedia website that offers a new way to learn, with multimedia content and interactive tools.
2. A user-friendly site with easy-to-read articles and a wealth of multimedia content.
3. A website that provides interesting, original content along with useful tools and resources.
4. A website that is constantly updated with the latest news and information.
5. A website that is easy to navigate and provides a wealth of resources for students and professionals.
6. A website that offers interesting, informative articles and a wealth of multimedia content.
7. A website that is updated daily with the latest news and information.
8. A website that is easy to use and provides a wealth of resources for students and professionals.
9. A website that offers a variety of information, tools, and resources.
10. A website that is constantly updated with the latest news

Whats New In this Neguun.MN?

New Version


Neguun.MN is an innovative new application that allows users to connect with others in their local community. The app is designed to make it easy for users to find events and activities that interest them, as well as to connect with others who share their interests. Neguun.MN is the perfect app for anyone who wants to get more involved in their community.

Following the steps above is all you need to do if you want to succeed installing the Neguun.MN on your PC. If you have more queries about anything, do let us know.


We refer the ownership of This Neguun.MN to its creator/developer. We don’t own or affiliate for Neguun.MN and/or any part of it, including its trademarks, images, and other elements.

Here at appsce, we also don’t use our own server to download the Neguun.MN. We refer to the official server, store, or website to help our visitors to download the Neguun.MN.

If you have any query about the app or about appsce, we’re here to help you out. Just head over to our contact page and talk your heart to us. We’ll get back to you ASAP.

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