Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values For PC – Free Download For Windows And Mac

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A lab test is a procedure that uses laboratory equipment to examine a biological sample. Lab tests are used to measure things like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels. They can also be used to diagnose diseases.

Most lab tests have a normal range of values. This means that the results of a lab test fall within a certain range of values that are considered to be normal. Abnormal results may indicate that a person has a health problem.

Lab tests are an important part of diagnosing and treating health problems. By understanding the normal range of values for a particular lab test, people can better understand the results of their tests and seek appropriate treatment if needed.

Our goal is to help you get the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values for PC and install it on Windows. Before we do that, don’t you want to know its technical specifications? They go like this:

Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values Andorid App Summary

The developer of the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values is Agentist and they’ve done a great job at keeping Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values simple yet highly interactive. You can find the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values under Medical of Play Store. Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values’s latest version is 1.1.6 with an impressive user base of over 142351. Besides, the overall user rating of 4.1 shows how people love Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values.


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If you’re wondering if it’s updated or not, the latest update date of the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values is Mar 5, 2022 with all the latest features you need. Using it on your PC will require using an Android Emulator like BlueStacks, Nox player, or Memu.

We’ll include the guides that you can follow to install the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values on your computer using the best emulator in this article. Follow along:

Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values App Overview and Details

This application is made to provide general information about general tests in the laboratory. This includes the normal range of tests. This covers most aspects of the laboratory. Laboratory Request Form, Hematology, Liver Function, Infectious Diseases, Coagulation, Cardiac Blood Test, TORCH, Serum Iron, Kidney Function, Tumor Markers, Blood Grouping, Pancreatic Function, Dengue Fever, Lipid Profile, Arthritis, Urine and Stool Test, Electrolytes, Infertility, Semen Analysis, Diabetes Test, Hepatitis, Microorganisms, Arteries, Reproduction, Diseases, Protein Electrophoresis, Thyroid Hormones, Test Directory, Critical Value List, Vacutainers, Microbiological Specimens.

This is useful for everyone as well as laboratory technicians working in the laboratory.
Application Highlights:
– Fully functioning offline and free to download.
– Trusted and used by doctors and medical students.
– Detailed reference guides including Range and description of tests

Aplikasi ini berisi kategori berikut:
Formulir Permintaan Laboratorium, Hematologi, Fungsi Hati, Penyakit Menular, Koagulasi, Tes Darah Jantung, TORCH, Serum Besi, Fungsi Ginjal, Penanda Tumor, Penggolongan Darah, Fungsi Pankreas, Demam Berdarah, Profil Lipid, Arthritis, Tes Urine dan Feses, Elektrolit, Infertilitas, Analisis Semen , Tes Diabetes, Hepatitis, Mikroorganisme, Arteri, Reproduksi, Penyakit, Elektroforesis Protein, Hormon Tiroid, Direktori Tes, Daftar Nilai Kritis, Vacutainers, Spesimen Mikrobiologi.

يحتوي هذا التطبيق على الفئات التالية:
نموذج طلب المختبر ، أمراض الدم ، وظائف الكبد ، الأمراض المعدية ، التخثر ، فحص الدم في القلب ، الحديد المصل ، وظائف الكلى ، علامات الورم ، تصنيف الدم ، وظائف البنكرياس ، حمى الضنك ، الدهون ، التهاب المفاصل ، اختبار البول والبراز ، الشوارد ، العقم ، تحليل السائل المنوي ، اختبار السكري ، التهاب الكبد ، الكائنات الحية الدقيقة ، الشرايين ، التكاثر ، الأمراض ، الرحلان الكهربائي للبروتين ، هرمونات الغدة الدرقية ، دليل الاختبار ، قائمة القيم الحرجة ، فاكوتينرز ، العينات الميكروبيولوجية.

Cette application contient les catégories suivantes :
Formulaire de demande de laboratoire, Hématologie, Fonction hépatique, Maladies infectieuses, Coagulation, Test sanguin cardiaque, Fer sérique, Fonction rénale, Marqueurs tumoraux, Groupage sanguin, Fonction pancréatique, Dengue, Profil lipidique, Arthrite, Test d’urine et de selles, Électrolytes, Infertilité, Analyse du sperme, Test de diabète, Hépatite, Micro-organismes, Artères, Reproduction, Maladies, Électrophorèse des protéines, Hormones thyroïdiennes, Répertoire des tests, Liste des valeurs critiques, Vacutainers, Spécimens microbiologiques.

Esta aplicación contiene las siguientes categorías:
Formulario de Solicitud de Laboratorio, Hematología, Función Hepática, Enfermedades Infecciosas, Coagulación, Análisis de Sangre Cardíaco, Hierro Sérico, Función Renal, Marcadores Tumorales, Grupo Sanguíneo, Función Pancreática, Fiebre del Dengue, Perfil Lípido, Artritis, Análisis de Orina y Heces, Electrolitos, Infertilidad, Análisis de Semen, Prueba de Diabetes, Hepatitis, Microorganismos, Arterias, Reproducción, Enfermedades, Electroforesis de Proteínas, Hormonas Tiroideas, Directorio de Pruebas, Lista de Valores Críticos, Vacutainers, Especímenes Microbiológicos.

Это приложение содержит следующие категории:
Форма запроса лаборатории, гематология, функция печени, инфекционные заболевания, коагуляция, анализ крови на сердце, сывороточное железо, функция почек, онкомаркеры, группа крови, функция поджелудочной железы, лихорадка денге, профиль липидов, артрит, анализ мочи и стула, электролиты, бесплодие, Анализ спермы, Тест на диабет, Гепатит, Микроорганизмы, Артерии, Репродукция, Заболевания, Электрофорез белков, Гормоны щитовидной железы, Справочник тестов, Список критических значений, Вакутейнеры, Микробиологические образцы.

实验室申请表,血液学,肝功能,传染病,凝血,心脏血液测试,血清铁,肾功能,肿瘤标志物,血型,胰腺功能,登革热,血脂,关节炎,尿液和粪便测试,电解质,不孕症, 精液分析、糖尿病检测、肝炎、微生物、动脉、生殖、疾病、蛋白质电泳、甲状腺激素、检测目录、临界值列表、真空采血管、微生物标本。

Features of Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values for PC

الكيتونات ، الحيوانات المنوية ، ديسكو ، وظائف الكبد ، التهاب الكبد ، الميكروبات ، الأورام ، الأنسجة ، البروتينات ، الهرمونات الثديية ، دليل اختبارات ، اسماء الاختبارات ، اسماء الكورتيزولات ، المختبرات.

Whats New In this Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values?

+ lab result storage function
+ microorganism pictures
+ symptoms and signs of disease

Download & Install Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values For PC: Windows 10/8/7

Let’s download and install the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values app on PC using the Nox Player android emulator. There are a few steps to get this done as mentioned below:

  • Start by downloading the Nox emulator for your PC from their official website. You can find it in your downloads folder.
  • Double click on the downloaded file, accept the permissions and install Nox player on your computer.
  • Open the Nox Player and locate the Play Store app and log into your Google account using your credentials.
  • Click on the search bar and type for the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values app. You’ll see it in the first result from where you can install it.
  • After clicking the install button, the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values will start downloading on your computer, then install.
  • Once installed, you can now locate the installed Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values on Nox player homepage or your desktop. Use it from there.
Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values App Specification
App Name: Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values On Your PC
Devoloper Name: Agentist
Latest Version: 1.1.6
Android Version: 4.1
Supporting OS: Windows,7,8,10 & Mac (32 Bit, 64 Bit)
Package Name: com.laboratory.user.labtest
Download: 142351+
Category: Medical
Updated on: Mar 5, 2022
Get it On:



Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values is an invaluable application for anyone who needs to know the normal lab values for a variety of tests. This app is easy to use and provides all the information you need to know about the normal lab values for tests such as the CBC, chemistries, lipids, and more.

Did you love the guide and be able to download and install the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values for PC? Don’t forget to ask if you want more info about the emulator, the Lab Tests – Normal Lab Values, or the steps altogether.


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