Need Remove Your App?

Are you a developer of an app that we’ve featured in Appsce? You can decide to remove it from our site if you want to. For that, you have to contact us from your official email address to our official one. This way, we’d know that the removal request is an official notice from you. 

For example,

If the name of you app is Tiktok, you have to contact us from your official email address that may look like:, or 

The email address can either be with the domain of the app itself, or the company that owns the copyright of it.

And here is our official contact address: 

admin [at] 

(Please replace [at] with “@” sign)

When the app will be removed?

We usually take around 24 hours to respond to your request and to take down your app from our website. But, as we work on schedule and need to validate your email, we may take up to 72 hours to remove your app from our blog and server. 

Thank you, 

  • Admin
  • 30 August 2022